【Solo Exhibition開催】Pez日本初個展「 Happiness 」
アーティスト | ペズ
タイトル | Happiness
この度、AND COLLECTION Contemporary ArtではPezの日本初個展「Happiness」を表参道ヒルズ内の弊ギャラリーにて開催いたします。
【個展開催記念/ XLARGE × Pez コラボレーションアパレル販売】
※詳細は下記、Viewing Roomよりご覧ください。
■Pez Solo Exhibition「 Happiness 」 – Viewing Room
会場:AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art (表参道ヒルズB2F)
会期:2023年7月22日(土) – 8月6日(日) 11:00 – 21:00 (日曜のみ20:00閉場)
レセプション:2023年7月21日(金) 18:00 – 20:00
アーティスト在廊日:7月21日(金) – 22日(土)
[Upcoming Exhibition]
Artist | Pez
Title | “Happiness”
AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art is pleased to present “Happiness,” Pez’s first solo exhibition in Japan, at our gallery in Omotesando Hills.
During our lives we all want to achieve happiness in some way or another, a material happiness, others spiritual, at some point in our lives we want to rise to that state of mind where we feel good.
My characters are always at that level of mind, ready to infect viewers with positivity so that they can enjoy a moment of temporary elevation of their mental state, where I wanted to share a sensory journey through the different techniques and styles that I have developed these last years, which makes me very happy. After many years of painting in the street and brightening up the capitals of the world, cities like Barcelona, Paris, Miami, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, Bogotá, Amsterdam, MexicoDF, to name a few lucky cities. From the streets to the galleries painting makes me happy and sharing the universal language of a smile around the world has always been my goal.
Welcome to my imaginary world of fantasy, graffiti-pop and lots of colorfull smiling and naughty fish. Welcome to Barcelona happy style. Smile or die!
– Pez –
【Commemorative of solo exhibition/ XLARGE × Pez Collaboration apparel sales】
To celebrate the solo exhibition, XLARGE, a leading Japanese street fashion brand, and Pez will sell a limited quantity of collaborative apparel.
T-shirts and long T-shirts featuring Pez’s unique Smiling Fish graphic will be available for purchase on the day of each exhibition. Pez will personally sign the t-shirts and sell them to those who purchase them during the exhibition days. Please do not miss this opportunity!
*For more details, please visit the Viewing Room below.
■Pez Solo Exhibition「 Happiness 」 – Viewing Room
【Exhibition Details】
Location:Omotesando Hills B2F , AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art
Date:July 22 – August 6 , 2023 , 11:00 – 21:00 (*Close at 20:00 on Sunday only)
Reception:July 21 , 2023 ,18:00 – 20:00
Meet the artist:July 21 – 22 , 2023
*The schedule is subject to change without notice.
*Our business hours will be changed to 11:00-20:00 from August 1.