and collection



He is an artist from Barcelona, born in 1975.
In 1999, he began painting graffiti on the streets and today is considered a pioneer of street art in Barcelona. Pez has created iconic smiling characters based on fish motifs. He is well known for his colorful murals brimming with positive vibes and energy.
The name “Pez” comes from the Spanish word “El Pez,” meaning “the fish.”
In recent years, he has exhibited and painted walls in galleries in more than 20 countries, including Barcelona, Paris, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. He has also exhibited at France’s top street art auctions.
Pez has appeared in street art documentaries, including the film Exit Through the gift shop, directed by Banksy. His work has appeared in prominent street art books. His collaborations with major brands such as Adidas, Reebok, and Ecko have also attracted attention.


Each piece is individually handcrafted by the artist.
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