【Solo Exhibition開催】Elena初個展「 Prologue 」
アーティスト | Elena
タイトル | Prologue
この度、AND COLLECTION Contemporary ArtではElenaの初個展「 Prologue 」を表参道ヒルズ内の弊ギャラリーにて開催いたします。
■Elena Solo Exhibition「 Prologue 」 – Viewing Room
会場:AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art (表参道ヒルズB2F)
会期:2023年9月8日(金) – 18日(月) 11:00 – 20:00
レセプション:2023年9月8日(金) 18:00 – 20:00 (入場無料・招待状不要)
[Upcoming Exhibition]
Artist | Elena
Title | “Prologue”
AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art is pleased to present “Prologue,” Elena’s first solo exhibition, at our gallery in Omotesando Hills.
The mixture of Elena’s unique and flexible techniques and the traditional art style of Katsushika Hokusai creates a new value. Her masterpiece “Surfing Ochibi” pays an homage to the famous “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjūrokkei)” by Hokusai Katsushika, one of the most famous Ukiyoe artists in Japanese art history. Those little creatures in her works are called “Chibi-chan,” the very original characters she drew as doodles on the corner of her notebooks back in junior high school. They came in to her life as her emotional supporters without any notice and stayed by her side ever since even when she was going through her ups and downs as a teenager.
“Chibi-chan” then became as an idea of symbol for the guidance for rebirth into a whole new radiant life as they shared their lives with her. The brush strokes and thick outlines reminisce the techniques of Japanese anime and manga. It verifies the existence of each character and it associate with the enriched connections on human relationships at the same time. Unique but calm-looking “chibi-chans” appear and disappear in the supple, yet captivating wave foams and its puffiness, plump and rounded motifs with possible fish features assemble together as a collective form full of variety structures and expressions to cross over waves.In order to develop more, the world has transformed and learned how to coexist as each unique human beings by accepting variety of thoughts to overcome challenges. Her works express the composition of society in a bigger picture and conveys viewers to make sure how precious it is to being able to accept for who you are with kind heart with open arms.
*For more details, please visit the Viewing Room below.
■Elena Solo Exhibition「 Prologue 」 – Viewing Room
【Exhibition Details】
Location:Omotesando Hills B2F , AND COLLECTION Contemporary Art
Date:September 8 – 18 , 2023 , 11:00 – 20:00
Reception:September 18 , 2023 ,18:00 – 20:00